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Tuesday 18 August 2015

Potty Training #3: older siblings and night training lesson for mom

I have to admit, Monkey #3 was so easy, and I'm not sure I get to take the credit lol.  Monkey 3 is affectionately known as cocoa  puffs.  And with her I had the benefit of two siblings using the potty, and (due to #2) always saying, go pee!  She trained watching her siblings.  Mostly monkey 2.  Cocoa puffs and him were a riot together.

She was super short and needed a step to get to the potty but she didn't like it cuz her sibs used the toilet.  Mostly she climbed up on the potty to get to the toilet.  I always always sure she would fall in.  She didn't.  She did however decide she should pee like a boy lol.  And somehow it worked, and girl had aim.  She day trained really quickly.
She did not night train though till almost a year later when at 2.5 I found a very tiny potty and put it in her bedroom by the night light.  Tiny kid had a tiny bladder, and fear of walking out if her room at night.  The potty in her room fixed the issue in one night.

When lil Monkey is ready to night train I will keep one in his room.  Because of monkey 2, doing so with his brothers wasn't feasible.  Also after dinner night trainers and young children in my house only have sips of water or a very quick nursing just to wet their whistle.  I don't allow drinks in bedrooms, which helps the three year old plays for water when bed time refusal kicks in.  Night training is easier when nursing is over but it can iccur while still nursing.

I should have thought of a solution sooner (cuz hind sight is 20/ 20).  Let kids have what they need to potty train, and make use of siblings.  They are sometimes the greatest teachers.

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